From the products we purchase to the foods we consume, our choices affect the environment. In order to minimize my negative impacts I choose to consume local, organic, vegetarian food and reduce wastefulness in all areas of my life, particularly by reducing plastic and energy use. I love good food. From the ingredients, to the taste, to the presentation, it's all about quality. Whether I'm cooking for myself or for a dinner party, it has to be good. I love combining my favorite foods and flavors in new ways and mixing it up with something new. When it comes to products I use, I love experimenting with creative ways to make the things I want or need instead of purchasing them pre-packaged. In many cases, this doesn't mean spending more time or money for these items. It does mean being aware of how things are produced, packaged, and transported, and taking these into account when making your choices. I promote a healthy active lifestyle, filled with adventures that renew our links with nature. My first largescale excercise in sustainable event planning came in the form of planning my wedding. We researched and made sustainable choices for every detail, from printing our invitations on recycled paper to the organic food and sustainably produced wines we purchased for the big night. It can be a bit overwhelming, especially when working on a budget, but in the end it feels great to put on an event knowing you've done your best to minimize negative impacts.
The Sustainability section of this site is devoted to compiling my thoughts and ideas on ways to reduce waste and enjoy the good things in life without all of the negative impacts both on my own health and the Earth's health. There, you'll find a collection of some of my favorite Recipes, and ways to reduce waste, plastic use, and other Green Ideas. If you are planning an event and want to minimize your environmental impacts or would like personal consultation for ways improve your own sustainable living, please contact me.